
Average score 1648 Reviews
cintymoi noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very clean and very good. (Original) Très propre et bien bon.

5 months ago
jean-daniel Delcourt noted on Google

5 months ago
Emil Georgiev noted on Google

5 months ago
Burger “MissBurgerDogs” Dog noted on Google

(Translated by Google) These are an all-you-can-eat restaurant. Maybe 1 or 2 euros cheaper during the week. It would be great and would make me want to come back more often. These canteen side atmosphere and noise. Drinks there is a very good margin for quantity. (Original) Ces un Resto à volonté. Peu êtres un 1 ou 2 euros moins chère en semaine. Sa serais top et me donnerai envie de retourner, plus souvent. Ces la cantine côté ambiance et bruit. Boissons il y a une très bonne marge pour la quantité.

5 months ago
Yancho Mihalev noted on Google

5 months ago
Odile Salavert noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious and fresh (Original) Délicieux et frais

5 months ago
Morgane Mrrs noted on Google

5 months ago
Richard Bonnes noted on Google

(Translated by Google) New Year's Eve 5 years ago Superb atmosphere Unlimited food, lobsters, scallops, salmon, plus Chinese dishes Cakes, cheese, ice cream, 1 glass of champagne Unlimited non-alcoholic drinks, coke, orangina..... Wine at our expense Price: 58 euros Looking forward to next year......but....... There was covid So, for this New Year's Eve 2024, we are back and what a superb evening THANKS Return this 19.02.2024, still as good, clean, and quiet (Original) Reveillon jour an il y a 5 ans Superbe ambiance Nourriture à volonté, langoustes,noix st jacques,saumon, plus plats chinois Gateaux,fromage,glaces,1verre champagne Boissons sans alcool a volonté, coca,orangina..... Vin à nos frais Tarif : 58 euros Vivement l an prochain......mais........ Il y a eu le covid Alors, pour ce réveillon 2024,nous sommes de retour et quelle superbe soirée Merci Retour ce 19 .02.2024,toujours aussi bon,propre,et tranquille

5 months ago
Will Power noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Hello and thank you for the buffet... I already knew for my part and my darling and my friends discovered your address and enjoyed themselves... thank you for the service, the smile and the kindness Only small negative point... the person at the grill was alone between the grill and the wok.... he has courage in any case... have a good day (Original) Bonjour et merci pour le buffet ... je connaissais déjà pour ma part et ma chérie et mes amis découvrait votre adresse et se sont régaler... merci pour le service, le sourire et l amabilité Seul petit point négatif... la personne au grill etait seul entre la grillade et le wok .... il en a du courage en tout cas ... bonne journee

5 months ago
Monkey. D Lis noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very beautiful and good unfortunately a bit of hustle but everything else is fine I recommend it fast service and decent cuisine (Original) Tres beau et bon malheureusement un peu de bousculade mais tout le reste va je vous le conseille service rapide et cuisine correcte

5 months ago

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